September 6, 2024

Summer is over, or is it?

We have experienced a very hot and dry summer in my area and it appears many of you have experienced the same conditions. However, recent changes in the upper atmosphere have  presented us with fall-like weather. So is it time to hang up your fishing gear or not?
    Water temperatures have dropped and that means most fish will be feeding actively preparing for the cold winter months. Depending on food sources this can be to our advantage. Mid September showed a very good hatch of both White flys as well as Hexagenias. One evening I saw hundreds of Hexes below the Boiling Springs area of the stream. Also most trout I caught were browns in the 14 inch size and over a lb. The stream has an excellent wild Brown trout population as well as very good hold over numbers .Small nymphs will more then likely be one of my main flys for my fishing. However, many sections of the Breeches have both cress bugs and scuds, or as we  have called them shrimp. Yes that is not correct, but all locals know exactly what you are talking about. The YBAC usually has a fall stocking so this should increase your chance for fish for tablefare. Try to support them as most of us have enjoyed the fruit of their hard work.
  Pa steelhead are just days away from starting to show up in the lowest sections of Erie co. streams. By early to mid October larger numbers of fresh chrome will be in the streams. Depending on rain and stream flows they may be spread out well upstream by early October.
 My favorite way to approach this type of water is swinging flys. Early in the morning I enjoy working streamer imitations. There are several well known patterns that have taken steelhead but I personally use my Titan Minnow pattern. When the sun comes on the water I use my pumpkin picker ( commercial called steelhead bugger). Black wooly flys and even my hex wet can take steelhead when no one is catching fish. By far my favorite is fishing my Steelhead Dry Fly. You may be surprised how well they work in proper water conditions.
 Small 1/32 and 1/64 oz jigs can be a go to option for spin fishermen. Putting a small trout work on the bare jig can produce in off-color water. Whether dead drifting or giving it some swing action can produce numbers of steel. Small flatfish can produce immediate strikes that are viscious for active fresh fish.
   I am taking one or two more days of guiding so if you are interested please do not hesitate. This may be my last year of guiding. At 70 years old it may be time to retire after 45 years working in the fishing industry. I hope to do a limited agenda next year and have a farewell program at shows next spring. Time will tell as getting older is starting to show up with me.
  My suggestion for lodging is Folly’s End campground or the Quality Inn Sterrettania. The campground is right on Elk Creek and fills up, so do not hesitate calling  for a reservation. Jim is having his second Steelhead day on October 19. You can call the campground
(814-474-5730) about details of this free event. Last year’s event was a success and many visitors enjoyed their informative day.
  As always do not hesitate to send emails with questions or come to one of the shows I will be attending and let’s chat.


January 3, 2024

Well it’s winter. At least that is what the calendar says. At times I really do not believe it is , due to the current weather.  Perhaps that will change and my outdoor activities will change accordingly. But the forecast today is calling for snow over the weekend. 

Winter usually means tying flys, doing shows and getting my equipment ready for the coming year. It has been a few years since I was standing on safe ice drilling holes to do some.

  Usually late winter early spring means trout start to feed a little heavier and we need to get out to shake off the winter blues. Our area is blessed with plenty of year round trout water so there is no reason to not get out on a nice sunny winter day. Even if fishing is slow and we may not catch a fish we still can collect knowledge.
   Bait fishermen can do well on egg  substitutes such as power bait. Having a few minnows worked slowly is also a good producer for those hard to catch browns. Mealworms can help on very slow days using small hooks and light line. Most bait shops in our area carry a good supply of fresh bait for ice fishermen so there is no reason not to have an assortment in hand.
  I would rather use my fly rod on decent days when my guides are not freezing.
Hatches can be sparse but fishing nymphs can produce. Most aquatic insects are in immature stage so this usually means small. It is hard to beat a small pheasant tail nymph so make sure you have a few in size 18 and up to size 12. Cress bugs and fresh water shrimp, actually scuds, are always available in many local waters. Fish feed on these like we eat meat and potatoes.First hatches of the year are BWOs and Black Stoneflies  and occasionally a brown stonefly. Usually these are fairly small sizes 16- 20.
 Late spring  I usually observe the BWOs getting a little larger as the mid – late spring comes on. One of my favorite early season flys is a tessellated darter minnow pattern. These are somewhat similar to sculpins but with a slender body. See me at the shows and I can explain them more thoroughly.
  Even if fishing is a bust this time of year getting out can help us physically as well as mentally.
I hope to see many old friends and meet some new ones at the shows I do and on the stream.
Happy 2024


October 2023

The run has officially started. Although not in large numbers, a small early arrival of some steelhead is always a good sign of what the early season fishing can hold.

 Early to mid October usually sees decent to good runs of fresh chromers providing we get some rain to provide water for adequate runs. Also water temperatures play a major role in how we fish for them. Some of you may be aware, I utilize my knowledge from my South Central  PA fishing and apply it to steelhead fishing. To many fishermen low clear water is not desirable for standard steelhead fishing. However, it is my cup of tea. I enjoy swinging streamers in the morning then switching to wets and even dry flies when the conditions warrant their use.
 After over 40 years on steelhead water, I still enjoy watching a 6 to 10 pounder take my offering. This is sight fishing at its finest and hooking the fish is just the beginning of the battle. Light tippet requires a proper touch to land these great fighters. Over 150,000 fish are expected to run this year.
 I hope everyone has an opportunity to experience  such a great resource.

April 23. 2023

Many fishermen are waist deep in the water and hopefully catching plenty of fish  in their local streams. The trout stocking program is in full swing and we fly fishermen are seeing low clear water and endless opportunities to pursue our favorite sport.

 Our spring hatches are mainly over in the Cumberland Valley but late spring – early summer hatches are just around the corner. Our local sulphur hatches will get underway starting in early May and possibly even a little earlier with the exceptional warm winter and spring we have experienced. I suggest having  three patterns to imitate this insect. A pheasant tail nymph, a sulphur colored wet and a Harveys sulphur dun. There are 2 species of sulphurs so tie these in size 14 and 16. I even tie some size 12 duns that seem to work very well at times. Some streams such as Conewago in Adams county have them but the body color is almost a lime green. The hatch usually starts in the mid evening time frame and as a few weeks go by they start to come off a little later. Yes you should carry a small flashlight to finish your day on the water.
 I have fished the Breeches as far down as McCormick Road below route 15 and as far up as Huntsdale and have seen good hatches and rising fish. This hatch appears on many streams so be prepared as you may find them in some of your local streams also.
   Tight lines and try to take a little time to enjoy all mother nature has to offer.
December 30, 2022
Twenty twenty two was an interesting and productive year for me.  I fished many of the southwestern Va trout streams. My Aliner camper serves me well!
There were many streams that had both stocked and wild trout including a few with wild rainbows that made my day. I will not give stream names for the wild fish but if you see me at a show I am glad to give more detailed information. I have learned the hard way about spot burning a prime wild trout stream.
 My wife and I spent time in North Carolina and Tennessee camping and she puts up with my fishing time. We camped at Douthat State Park in western Va.  It has a pay by the day stream that gets stocked twice a week. Very interesting. There are 2 other such streams also. Tumbling Creek is a second stream with the same regulations. These are great choices for beginners or anyone wanting to catch trout in a guaranteed opportunity. Cost is $8.00 so not an overpriced event. I caught wild bows in Great Smoky Mountain National Park and we enjoyed the drive through Cades loop. There is one limestone stream in the park and it has plenty of wild rainbows ( c and r) regulations fly fishing only. I suggest giving it a try. Just over the mountain south east of the park you will see Cherokee, NC. There are many fishing opportunities in the area including streams stocked by the local Cherokee boundary (they do not use the term reservation). You need to buy a daily permit but it is well worth it with the amount of water to fish and the stocking program they utilize. We saw plenty of elk more than willing to let you take photos of them. Also the boundary has plenty to offer in educational value to learn about these indigeneous people (the only group of Cherokee that were not moved to western reservations because they hid in the mountains and remained there). We did not participate in casino activities but that seems to be a very
popular attraction at the other end of town. I have  not mentioned any local fishing but I can assure you most clients did well and the schools were a success. Time moves on and as a senior, I hope to be able to provide my services for a few more years. Working for over 40 years in the fly fishing industry has served me well.

February 9, 2022

  After 2 years of dealing with covid it appears we are starting to understand and get somewhat of a handle on the pandemic. At least I hope so.

   I have been fortunate to fish with some excellent fly fishermen and on some of the better-best bodies of water in the Eastern US. One such stream that stands out is the South Houlston in Tennessee. It is near Bristol Tn and an easy drive down I81S.  It has an excellent population of wild browns and rainbows. Also it gets stocked regularly with rainbow trout. It is a bottom release stream and fishes well throughout the year. I enjoy fishing from May until the fall frost comes at the end of summer. The Sulphur hatch is a daily occurrence with exceptions. Also I have seen BWOs and Black caddis hatching in fishable numbers. It has power generating abilities so water levels change daily. Wading is relatively easy during lower water releases and there are options for bank fishing and float trips when the waters are up. I fish a standard Harveys dun pattern and see no need for anything else to have successful days when the flys are coming off. Do not get me wrong,  I fish other flys such as a purple midge pattern in slower periods of time without major hatches. There are other streams both large and small worth fishing in the area if options are needed. Most fishermen will do well and it may be one of the best trout fisheries in the east or even in the USA. Lodging and other amenities such as restaurants are limited in the immediate area, so do some homework and make reservations prior to your trip. I do not guide there but am willing to share any knowledge I have gained for those who are interested.

  Tight lines and I hope you can make a trip to the South Houlston.

December 28, 2021

It appears covid is still with us and making things tough on many of us. I am still doing my personal schools for you and your small group through 2022. Guiding is available locally as well as in Erie for steelhead. However, I have found I am no longer 21 yrs old and trying to do 3 days in a row is just a little more than my 68 yr. old body can handle so, I am cutting down on guiding to a 2 day max with a day or 2 off to rest my bones. Erie steelhead will have limited openings so,  do not wait until the last minute to book me for guiding. I assume my schedule will be the second week of October through the first week of November for the 2022 season.

  The 2021 steelhead run was back to what it was years ago. By the first of October the first run was up and beyond Rt. 98 on Elk Creek. This made for some fantastic fishing with the run spread out and plenty of room to fish. 

April had a decent shad run on the Rappahanock in Virginia and our local trout was on par for the year.

  I hope to see all my old friends at the shows and on the streams, as I am starting to spend more time in my easy chair thinking about fishing than being on the stream.

   Be safe and have a great year in the out of doors.

Happy New Year, Tony


Saturday October 16, 2021

I am packed and ready to head to Erie ( Fairview) Pa for my annual steelhead trip. It is about a week later than usual due to the later runs of fish in recent years.With all the rain we have been having the last two months water levels and temperatures have been favorable to earlier runs as we have seen from years ago.Currently,  most of the Pa tributaries have fish well up streams. This is good for all fishermen as it spreads out fishing pressure and many can do a little walking to get away from crowds and still have some fish to work on. All the current reports I have been getting from friends and guides on the stream are very favorable.  One friend told me this is the best fishing he has seen in 10 – 15 years. Many fishermen only do good with higher flows and slightly off colored water. I personally enjoy fishing the low clear water by sight fishing mid-day when the sun is at the highest point for seeing the fish clearly. Watching a steely take your fly and setting the hook is just the beginning of the excitement. To me dry fly fishing is a real treat. When a 6 lb. plus steelhead chases your fly and sucks it in off of the surface you know he really wanted it. These conditions call for lighter tippet, stealthy fishing and no weight.
  I will have limited internet access but will do my best to answer questions on current conditions after today. If possible go during the week avoiding weekend crowds. Also move around to different locations and even streams. If fishing is poor or very few fish are sighted, try another area. Many times steelhead run a few miles each day. Guys that only fish the lower ends may never see some of the runs due to them moving well beyond that area. Also try making changes frequently. Sometimes a half dozen casts can tell the story. I have some fly patterns that work no matter what but when their jaws are locked I will not be catching fish. My saying to clients is “it is a long day and sooner or later they will turn on”.  So do not give up the ship.
   I hope everyone gets the opportunity to fish the fall runs and have an enjoyable day.


July 21, 2021

As 2021 hits midsummer, our lives are looking a lot different than one year ago. It is nice to see our part of the world getting back to normal.

  Summer fishing is basically what you would expect it to be, however, so far constant rains have kept many streams with good flow of water. Some of the marginal streams that get too warm have had the advantage of cooler summer rain to keep their levels fishable and water temperatures favorable.
 The usual flys for summer are ants, beetles (my garden has them as I speak) and other terrestrials. On the Breeches I also see some cream tan caddis size 18. You may also see one of this and one of that in the evenings so be prepared.
 On a personal note I have traveled for fishing this year . I decided to fish western North Carolina. Taking two trips to the Boone area. It was great catching wild and stocked rainbows and brookies.  One of my favorite trout fisheries is the South Holston in Tennessee. It is near Bristol and has hatches of sulphurs all summer long. Another steam that is a bottom dam release also is the Watauga near Elizabethtown. This area has some smaller mountain streams that can be a pleasant change from the bigger waters mentioned. In my opinion, the South Holston is probably the best trout fishery east of the Mississippi and could compete with most western streams that we read about and travel to.
  I just got in contact with Bob Stahl from the Monaghan show and he is making plans for the 2022 season. That is a breath of fresh air for myself and many who attend these events. I look forward to seeing my old friends and making some new acquaintances.


March 10, 2021

2020 was a trying year to say the least. I personally saw many changes in my personal life as well as my business. The Covid-19 virus made major changes in my life on the scale that wars had made with my parents and grandparents. A lot of thought went into the future of “The Addicted Angler”. Currently services are still be provided with a few changes in 2021.  I expect my second vaccination on March 13. This should make a big difference in making close contact with my guiding and fishing school clients.  All of the schools will need to be private only. This means no set dates with open classes. You will know everyone involved in our outing and can set the dates that suit you. If you are interested, please call or email for your required dates and other information. Also guiding is either 4 or 6 hour days with schools having the same timeframe. You can elect to do multiple days if so desired.

I expect to see local fishing to be similar to previous years. Distant trips can be scheduled with federal Covid-19 guidelines applicable.  Erie PA steelhead trip-guiding will be mid to late October due to changes in fish run timing in recent years. As always your health and safety is a priority and having a good time on the water is what we are all about. It is recommended that masks be worn when it applies and the use of common sense with other precautions. Please read your PA fish regulations booklet for 2021 as there have been some changes that could effect your time on the water.

This year will mark 42 years working in the flyfishing business for me and I still strive to make your outdoor experience a pleasant one. Putting over 200 days a year on the water or ice for 40 years has given me a perspective that only a few can have. My hope is to share that knowledge with as many other enthusiasts as possible. I look forward to a great year on the water and hope we all can see some sense of normalcy in the future.


October 1, 2020

As summer’s daylight shortens and fall leaves start to drop, skamania steelhead are either in their native streams or are in the progress of doing so. Currently in Pa, Elk creek has a small run of fish in the lower areas of the stream-river. With some heavy rain, stream levels will rise and the first steelhead runs will take place. I prefer to catch these early bright cromers that are active but very finicky. Fishing techniques usually are different then the traditional chuck and duck. I prefer to swing wet flys, pull streamers and even use large dry flys to entice these selective fish. Usually it is sight fishing at its best. Some days you will have sore arms landing fish in the 6 to 10 lb. range and the next day you may only get 3 or 4 takes in an 8 hour day.  This is what makes fishing exciting. No guarantees. My methods are different then most fishing for them, as it is more conventional fly fishing. Also I have spin tackle and bait for the non fly fishermen or women. For those who would like to keep their fish for table fare I provide a cooler and we take them to the local fish cleaning-freezing station for you to pick up when you leave to go home. No need to get your hands dirty or concern that the fish is not properly prepared and refrigerated. If you are interested go to the Erie trips Fall page for details Call or e-mail me for open dates.  We will discuss Covid -19 precautions when we meet, please bring a mask in case one is required.  

   Have a safe,happy fall and tight lines to all.

April 9, 2020

 Aquatic seining: 4-8-2020

Yellow Breeches above Boiling Springs:
Plenty of scuds ( shrimp)
Hendrickson and other assorted mayfly nymphs
Some assorted caddis Larva ( Grannoms)
There were some assorted grannoms and other dark colored caddis coming off every now and then while I was on the water.
Hendrickson nymphs are close to hatching and some have already hatched but not in large numbers to my knowledge.
Mountain Creek above Mt Holly Springs:
Assorted nymphs in decent numbers.
Some Caddis and even a large stone fly nymph ( perhaps Perli)
Recommended flys:
Breeches: Pheasant tail nymph, dark brown and gray size 12-14 wet flys, grey-olive scuds, Size 12-16 dark colored drys such as Addams.
Streamers and buggers of your choice. Also a tessellated darter and a sculpin pattern.

January 22, 2020

With 2019 behind us, 2020 could be a better year to put some time on the water. Last year’s extremely warm temperatures as well as high water made for some tough fishing. High water is never a fly fisherman’s friend, as well as tough wading for all fishermen. Even those fishing lakes had high, off color (muddy) water at times.

Some highlights from last year’s fishing for me were a few very successful trips and a few very good days on the local waters. Our early season Grannom and Hendricksons were sparse to say the least. Sulphur numbers were down so the Breeches was not up to its usual self for dry fly fishing. However, wild trout populations remain good and stockings were heavy. I tried to fish some new streams within an hour drive from home and found some peaceful fishing in adjoining counties for stocked trout a few days after they were stocked. Early season shad runs in Maryland and Va were on par when I was fishing for them. Our shad trip to the Rappahannock in Fredricksburg was a success with catching and camaraderie. My Delaware river trip was slow. Not a good year for shad and not a lot of bug activity for rising trout.

Some of the other Cumberland County streams, fished decent with the limestone water remaining at more normal levels. Mid to late summer saw some saltwater fishing. I caught my biggest flounder ever. It was 25 inches! However, right now current regulations in North Carolina do not permit the harvesting of flounder. I did not even have my phone or camera so you will have to take my word on this catch. Also late summer took us to the Crystal Coast on NC for some Spanish Mackerel fishing.We trolled for a few hours and my wife and I caught 40 plus spanish. We kept about 1/2 of them and ate them every Friday until mid winter. October takes me to my second home in Girard ( near Erie Pa). Fishing for early run fish was slow. However, the late fall-winter season picked up as the run keep steady. Currently, with some help from the weather Erie Pa steelhead fishing has remained as good as it has been in years. But be prepared as cold weather can mean creeks get frozen and moderate rain can cause creeks to get blown out. Check the weather and call a reputable shop before going. Jim and the guys a Folleys Campground and shop in Girard, can be a good source for accurate information on Elk Creek.

Sept. 3, 2019  Early Steelhead Preparation

If you are not an experienced steelhead fisherman then this information may be of value.

 Some important information is as follows:
When to go
What tackle do I need
Where to fish
What to use
 A lot depends on what type of fishing you would like to do. Some like the chuck and duck style high water approach and others enjoy sight fishing low clear water. I start fishing the first week of October and enjoy fishing through early November. As the season progresses, chuck and duck with eggs (or egg patterns) can be very effective. However low clear water can present limited results with this method. I enjoy low clear water and watching the fish react to my presentations. It usually does not take long before I can eliminate a few fly patterns or lures.
 If you can, go after a good soaking rain! When the USGS gauges start to rise plan you trip so the water level will be dropping and also clearing up. Most fishermen have larger catches at this time then any other water condition. A few days after water levels recede fishing can be tough again. However fish can be taken and usually, the advanced fly fishermen sight fishing, does most of the catching. If you are not in that category try getting an early start as low light limits the ability of steelhead to be as particular on the take and some fishing larger lures and bait still can catch some fish.
 If you decide to fish big water such as the Salmon River in NY then larger tackle is needed. Also this is where the drifting of eggs can produce better results. Many use long parabolic rods with light line. Probably 4 to 8 lb. is a good starting point. A 7 or 8 weight rod for fly fishermen with 2 to 4 x would be my recommendation.High fast running water can mean heavier tackle and low clear water lighter tackle can be an advantage. In Erie Pa., I recommend a medium action spinning rod with 6 lb. line. A good drag system reel is very important. Try to put on fresh clean line as these fish can put up a struggle and a lost fish can be a disappointment when things are slow. I use a 6 weight 8.5 foot medium action fly rod with a reel that has a good drag system. Usually 4x fluorocarbon or some 3x when water is a little off color and high, can  be my “go to” tippet. Most fish are not line shy so a 7.5 foot leader is all that is needed.
  You need to fish where the fish are running. Many times early season fishermen complain, “we got the rain but only a few fish came in”. Well these fish can run 3 or 4 miles a day with no problem and quite often they do not all stop within the first mile of stream. Do not be afraid to explore. If you are not seeing fish in one area try up or down stream a few miles. Quite often you will run into a decent amount of fish in a mile or so of stream. In Pa. fish are usually spread out fairly well by the second or third week of October. If you need plenty of room, then late October into mid November can be a good time for less fishermen. Perhaps I should clarify that statement? The fishing pressure may be lower and the miles of water with fish will be much greater then early October, thus spreading out the fishermen. Also some runs have skamania ( summer run) influence in them.These are the waters I target as others will get heavy runs in November through winter.
 Steelhead are like women. I never could figure them out after 47 year of fishing for them. High off colored water is a good time for heavy weight with strike indicators and eggs. Also a heavy lure can get to the fish and take some also. Clear slower water requires a more subtle approach, not necessarily small flys. I like streamers such as titan minnows at first light then switching off with smaller  to mid-size buggers such as a pumpkin picker. I also swing wet flys such as a size 6 yellow wet fly or a black woolly fly. When water conditions are low enough with very little current then a large dry fly or simulator can take some fish off of the surface.  A little movement of the fly is usually all that is necessary to get a take. I have fished a half dozen hours without a take then suddenly every other cast is a hook up. My words when guiding are pace yourself and do not give up the ship. Sooner or later you will get some action.
  For more detailed information check out my Fall steelhead seminar at Precision Fly and Tackle in Mt Holly Springs Pa. on Saturday September 28.

July 23, 2019

Summer has shown another year of non-typical weather. It is getting very hot which is not so unusual but spring rains have not let up. Our local streams have been above average flows and often bank full all year.

  The Breeches has plenty of trout for those who are willing to fish off colored high water. Perhaps you can be lucky enough to get 2 or 3 days with decent clear lower flow conditions. I have been seeing spotty Tricos daily. When the morning air temperature hits 70 you need to be on the water. This can be as early as 7:00 am or as late as 10:00 am later in the year.
  You may see a few light Cahills or a smaller caddis in the evenings . There could be a few here and there but can produce a rise or two. Terrestrials can and will work all day long. Usually you will need  to think small. Ants, 16 or smaller can produce fish that may not be feeding regularly on the surface. Many of our limestone waters remain cool through the summer making for decent summer fishing. The Breeches usually fishes  well above Boiling Springs or in the C and R area below the run. If  you are fishing catch and release try not to remove the fish from the water and land them as quickly as possible. Make sure you have plenty of insect repellent due to mosquitoes and no-seeums. They are extremely bad this year! Also a half frozen bottle of water is refreshing and will help keep you hydrated.  TD

April 1, 2019

No not an April fools joke!

We have had a little bit of early season caddis coming off but very sporadic. Most have a slate wing with a gray-green body size 14. They were on fairly heavy below Williams Grove last Saturday PM.
 My best catches have been with Pheasant tail nymphs and dark colored size 14 wet flys. There are enough flys and clear water on the upper Breeches to catch a few fish daily. The wild browns know how and when to feed and the stockies will eat whatever you put in front of them. That will change or many will end up as table fare! Still not a good concentration of Grannoms or Hendricksons. I may have to go out and do some aquatic seining to see if there is a problem or it is just delayed this year. One day it is 65-70 degrees then the next we can not hit the 50 degree mark. Last night it was in the mid 20s. Yes it is still a little early for spring-summer conditions.

March 2019

We have received more then our share of rain and snow for the last 6 months. As of March 11 all streams are beyond bank full. I fished a local limestone today with some flooding over the banks into field areas. I landed 2 fish and had one other flash at my Tesselated darter pattern.Remember only certain special regulated areas are open to catch and release fishing in our area for trout. Also some of the non-stocked sections of trout water are open to catch and release also. Call Fish and Boat to be sure. Just because your buddy said its open does not mean that is so.

Our opening day should see both Hendricks and Grannom Caddis. Perhaps high water will make fishing a little changeably but many times mid day fishing will see bugs and trout taking them for a week plus. I wish I had a magic wand to tell them when to come off but no such luck so you may have to pay some dues to catch those hatches. Some years they are constant for a week plus and next year you may only get a day or two on the Breeches. Most of the bait and hardware guys have had there fun first thing in the opening day morning and are usually taking a break with some refreshments. Some may be really enjoying the refreshment if you know what I mean. Bottom line is most guys are more then willing to let a fly guy work on some rising fish in the Pm on opening day. If not move up or down a few hundred yards and you should find some friendly guys.

I usually catch more swinging wets then drys on top. However I always enjoy a rising fish taking my fly from the surface .To each there own.
  I will be at the YBAC outing and have flys for the Breeches and always willing to give some advice. I will NOT be giving a seminar.
   Good luck and be patient as the best fishing is yet to come.


February 14, 2018

  The Yellow Breeches has received it’s winter allotment of trout from the Anglers and Conservation Association and the state will be stocking our special regulated waters in Cumberland County on  February 21. These fish will make your catch rate go up and are usually much easier to catch for at least a while.The Breeches has plenty of wild trout but a different approach is needed to catch them in any numbers. Also certain sections contain higher populations of wild fish and some of the lower sections do not contain any. This is due to water conditions.
  It is time to start stocking your boxes with flys such as blue winged olives and small black stone flys. If there is any surface activity these are the two main flys.  I suggest to use smaller to mid size nymphs. These will be a very good producer on most days as well as some streamers and even a bugger or two for those fresh stocked fish.
  I am doing my shows and have made a few adjustments. Please note the up-dates on my calendar.. This is a great opportunity to get advice and stock up on needed supplies.
 I was able to fish southern Va last week and caught a crappie. Only fished for 1/2 hour but I got my fix for the day, so to speak. We have been having mild weather and the snow is gone for now but rains have swollen creeks to bank full levels. Also old man winter is giving us a 2 to 5 inch snow fall Saturday evening. Next week will be in the 50’s, so hopefully I will start putting time back on the water. Remember March 1 is the closing of the open water sections of most streams in Pa. Consult your regulation book or call the Pa Fish and Boat Commission to be sure you are fishing legally.

December 2017

Winter may be the time for many to hibernate, however, there is a lot to do and even more to see. On warmer sunny winter days our limestone streams can fish fairly well. I like to fish smaller pheasant tail nymphs and some scud patterns. Also one of my favorite streamer patterns is the testalated darters. If you can not remember that just remember the TD. Yes those are my initials as well as the fly name. It imitates the testalated darter as well as a sculphin, that is on a diet!  If winter fishing is not your cup of tea, then there are out door fishing shows that will meet every fisherman’s needs. These shows are put on by local non-profit organizations such as our fire departments and conservation organizations. Many have food for sale and are good places to get local fishing information as well as information on that yearly fishing trip. These shows can offer you a different menu then those big national shows that many go to and are sometimes disappointed.
I do seminars for some, so watch my events schedule and I hope to see you at the shows. The events calendar dates will be added or corrected as dates are confirmed
Perhaps we will get lucky and get some cold weather to do some ice fishing.


Summer July 29, 2017
    Summer is in full swing and the fishing has slowed down. The hot summer weather brings out the worst in me with allergies and other minor problems. For the fish, water temperature is one of the biggest problems. A few suggestions are to fish as close to springs as you can and also fish early in the morning or late in the evening when air temperatures are the coolest which keeps water temps slightly cooler also.  Some streams contain good water temperatures throughout the summer. Mainly the limestone creeks such as Big Spring, and Letort are just two examples.
  It will not be long before one of our largest hatches comes off on the Yellow Breeches. I have seen White flys (Ephron Leucon) come off as early as August 5th on the mid lower Breeches and as late as August 22 in the Catch and Release water. These flys can come off in great numbers right at dark. You will need some pure white mayfly patterns. I use a size 12 – 14 hook for all my white flys. Either a wet. dun or spinner will work ( at times). Sometimes these fish can be fairly easy to catch however after a few days into the hatch the C and R fish have been worked over. If you do not like elbow to elbow fishing, you need to consider the open water on the Breeches. You may see a few other bugs around. One  is our Hexaginia hatch. They are large brown mayflys some refer to as brown drakes. I do not think they are that but it is a good way to describe them to someone who has never seen them. I personally have not had much luck fishing for them with surface patterns, however, a large size 6 brown wet fly can catch some fish from my experiences. Our weather has been fairly wet and it appears the forecast is for milder temperatures in the next few days. For myself this is a good sign to start putting more time on the water. Also make sure you have a good flashlight. I like to carry a small back up just in case! Usually on a good year once the hatch starts it is fairly constant for a few weeks. Remember it is called fishing and not just catching!  TONY

June 6, 2017  Midseason

Many have decided there are other more important things to do then go trout fishing. That is good for the rest of us as we do not have to wonder if that favorite hole will be occupied and we can expect it to be vacant for a evening of peaceful fishing. As summer heat comes upon us our best fishing comes in the early morning and late evening. Well sometimes. Terrestrials are most active during those extremely hot, humid mid day sessions when only the hearty would dare to be on the water. This is assuming your stream contains cool water temperatures throughout the summer season.
Some recent observations I have had in the last year:
Big Spring Creek:
Just not worth wasting your time on. The fish just are not there as they once were. I am not talking about they days of the hatchery but 5 or 10 years ago. There is almost no food for the fish. I tried to find cress bugs with no results except for the lower locations near town (Newville). However the state put some very nice Brook trout in this spring and many enjoyed a good meal of fish for a few days.
It has been going on a roller coaster ride and is in a dead spot currently.There are some fish but those browns were always tough (smart) and fewer fish make it more difficult for success. I am not saying not to fish it, but if you have your act together and are willing to put in a day of fishing you can catch a fish or two. As for myself it appears the days of the 20 inch plus rising browns may just be a good memory. You need cover for the fish and the vegetation for insect life so make sure you have both before wetting a line.
Mountain Creek:
If looking for wild brookies or even a few small wild browns this is a alternative to our local limestones.The upper end (above Fuller Lake) has some wild brookies but beware. You are fishing in a heavily wooded rocky area and there is always something wanting to see if you are edible or just a good pin cushion to sting. The lower creek has been stocked earlier and will contain a few hold over fish as well as some small wild browns. Do not expect large numbers but if you want to get away this may be worth looking into. Also the fish are usually not very particular.
Greensprings and Middlesprings:
These are two under fished streams and have some potential for early summer fishing. Greensprings gets stocked a few times a year and holds fish over fairly well with it flyfishing only catch and release regulations. Try testelated darters and a small bugger pattern. Middlesprings has some small wild browns in its upper area and has been stocked through Memorial day.
There again do not expect manicured paths, and fighting your way through high weeds and brush can attract ticks, mosquitoes and so on.
I hate to spot burn but this is your best bet for some decent fishing through the summer. Both the state and some local clubs have stocked thousands of fish and if anything, there are too many. Wild browns can be found from the head waters to the Williams Grove area and a few other spots where spring water comes into the Breeches below that area can hold fish over. Be gentle with the wild fish and consider releasing all of the wild browns and just keeping the stocked fish for tablefare. Assuming you are fishing for dinner.
I make sure I have a selection of small nymphs such as size 16 pheasant tails. Scuds and cress bugs are a must all year round. Both testelated darter and white and silver streamers can save the day especially if you happen to be fishing after a summer down pour! You may see a few small cream caddis or a creamy mayfly or two. A few small ants and other terrestrials should round out your fly box needs.   Tony

March 31, 2017

 Well tomorrow is opening day for south central Pa trout fishing. Opening day for many is Jan. 1. However I will go with the flow and talk about  April 1. It is 41 degrees and raining as I speak. Boy am I glad I am not one of those guys camping out in one of those little tents laying on the ground tonight. Perhaps I have past my beer drinking days and the “day before party” is only a head ache for the opening day! Things look a little iffy for many but nicer weather is just around the corner according to the weather man.
He predicted a 50% chance of rain first thing in the morning. No sense going out on a limb with a real prediction and no way to be wrong with 50-50 chance!
So how about some fishing! I am sure the bait fishermen will do well with cold high off color water first thing. I do not think many will stick it out for the PM sun as our local weather man predicts. Perhaps we can hit it big, fly guys!!!  Hendricksons have been coming off and  I saw some Grannoms yesterday!  If things settle down the next 2 weeks should  (perhaps could) be some of the better fishing for the year. Plenty of wild fish and more then a generous stocking of fresh ones. Yes, even the “stockies”  should be taking them.  Flowers are starting to bloom and the trees are just starting to look a little different. Also I saw a hen duck in my yard today. She comes every year and builds a nest for her little ones. I live a good mile from the Breeches on Old Town run so I guess she likes to be left alone from those crazy mallards.
I hope everyone experiences some rewards while on the stream and please be safe and courteous to one another.        Tony

January 12, 2017

For many, winter is the time of year when we sit in front of the TV or computer, eat more junk food then we should and think about spring. Perhaps a brisk walk would be a good way to clean the winter cob webs out and get yourself in gear. There are many outdoor shows to go to and plenty of work to be done to get that gear ready! I try to plan my trips and think about what I need to buy and or do differently to be ready when the time comes. Also what should I do to please my wife so she does not mind me going!

You can go on line and see many fishing events (shows) to keep you busy. I personally do about 7 or 8 each year. Many friends and “friends to be” stop by and say hello or ask questions about fishing. I am doing different presentations for many of them also. Yes this helps my business but also it is nice to get out and talk to some real people. Not just the kind I hit my key pad to talk to!  Some people come to purchase flies, jigs and lures to stock up for the season. They know if I have them it is what I believe in, to catch fish. Also many sell new and used equipment that is usually priced right. If you are thinking of taking a class or booking a day on the water this can be the best time to ask questions and compare notes as to the best fit for your needs.

  I have been fishing and guiding for over 40 years and have put a lot of time on the water. If you have questions as to what fly to use or what hatch is going to be coming off, stop on by and I will do my best to help. Also planning a weekend outing can sometimes require a little more information then what you read online. I like to share my experiences and knowledge so I hope to see some of you at an up coming event or two!
* * * * * * * * * See the Events Calendar page on this website. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

November 6 ,2016

It is currently 70 degrees and the fall leaves are in full color. This means cold winds and snow will be on the way. Many have there hunting gear ready and some of you may even have put some game in the freezer. I have gotten all my trapping supplies ready and in a few weeks will be placing some sets out.  Trapping for Old Renard, or even helping that farm pond by removing some muskrats, will keep me busy for a change of pace.
Many have complained about the lack of Steelhead numbers for the fall run in Pa. Yes, I can agree they are not what they were at one time. However, I saw plenty of Steelhead to target and even a few takers in the low clear waters we encountered this fall. No double digit days but  that is fishing! I have some ideas that perhaps would help the fishery but no real evidence to support my theories. At my fall steelhead seminar, I spend time discussing how to catch them in low clear water. Many have taken it over the years and I think most agree it was helpful.  The seminar is usually early in September and will be posted on the Events Calendar for 2017 in January.
We in the Cumberland Valley are fortunate to have many spring creeks to fish through winter. All but the harshest days can be productive and fun. Also do not forget the many lakes that get stocked with winter trout for ice fishing. Pan fish are very tasty when caught through the ice and filleted. And no refrigeration needed!  If you are not of the hardy type, check out my winter show and fishing flea market schedule. Two January dates are already posted in my Events Calendar on this website. Most are put on by local non profit organizations and the money raised can go to very good causes. Keep safe and warm. As always send your questions to my e-mail address and I will respond ASAP.


July 31, 2016

Hard to believe but it appears we will soon be coming to the end of summer. Kids are heading back to school soon and the weather will cool down. Thank you for some cooler weather!  White flys will soon appear on the Breeches. I start to look for them on the lower Breeches no later then mid August. In a few days to a week they will be at the catch and release area of the Breeches. It appears the hatch only extends a few miles above town (Boiling Springs). Perhaps this is just the nature of the flys due to the need for mud banks and even preferring warmer water. Make sure you have your flash light because this is a very late evening hatch and into dark spinner fall. It should last for about 2 plus weeks. Starting out slow for a few days and building to one of the great hatches we all desire to see. I use an emerging wet, then Dun and usually finish with a Poly spinner size 12 for me. And yes they are actually 14s. I guess the trout would rather have a Bigmac then the $1.00 menu burger, so to speak.
After the hatch comes to an end, I start getting ready for Steelhead. Every year is a good one for me. Yet some years have major runs from the first of October until things freeze and it is not fit for man nor beast to b
e out, let alone fishing, then the next year can be a bit spotty. Many complain about not having any fish, well usually by doing a little exploring plenty of fish can be found. I guess we have had it too easy too long and got a little lazy. Early to mid October will see me with my friends at Folleys campground and fly shop. I prefer to swing wets and skate large dry flys (sight fishing) but early morning can be a great time for working some streamers.
I look forward to seeing many of my local friends at the Yellow Breeches anglers fall outing (Sept 10), then my Steelhead school on Sept. 11. As of this date, I still have some open days for guiding and look forward to helping those who desire to catch 6 to 10 lb steelhead on a 6 weight rod.

May 15, 2016 

Even though it is May 15th, it sure does not feel like it. I think it has rained almost every day for the past 3 weeks.  Also the high temperature is 58 degrees today. However, we are into a mid-season phase of our hatches. Presently some caddis are dipping to deposit eggs and stirring a lot of excitement on the surface. This is very hard to imitate due to the touch and go style of flight they display. Also with the dreary weather Bwo’s have been a great go to pattern. I like a size 18 for this time of year. They seem to come off almost anytime during the day but early evening is the best bet for constant risers to them. There have been a few Gray Foxes around but not in heavy numbers but still worth a try if all else fails. Sulphurs started to appear in numbers last week and are on at a fairly steady pace. I will not get technical so I say the small size 16 – 18 and larger size 12 – 14 larger ones. I tie a version of George Harvey’s dun and do very well on most local waters. I like sulphur orange flyrite for the body. However, on a few streams in southern Adams county, some have a greenish (chartreuse) color body. After the sulphurs dwindle, make sure you have some tan caddis in size 18’s. The last few years have seen constant action on them on the Breeches in early summer on. As  warmer summer weather comes on our hatches will be late evening and almost into dark so be prepared with a flash light for safety.. Some say the hatches are early this year but I do not agree because I believe they were just late the last few years and on time this year. Hope this helps those who do not get the chance to explore or have time just observing the waters.

March 21, 2016

It is Spring! The early crocuses are blooming and our early season hatches are in full swing. Time to seriously look at your fly box. Lets take the Breeches for filling your needs for success. Midges always play a important part of the trout’s diet no matter were we seem to be fishing and is no exception on many of my local waters. A few different colors of pupae seem to be very helpful. If interested I recommend Midge Magic from Don Holbrook and the late Ed Koch. Next is Blue wing Olives in a few sizes and color variations. Since they are multi brood and prefer overcast, somewhat rainy weather, they can play a big role throughout the year as well as early to mid spring fishing. Two hatches stand out and are a must in my box would be the Dark Hendrickson and the Grannom Caddis. A pattern in nymph- larva, wet and dry are always good to have on hand. When the fish get on the surface I will switch to surface flys rather then sub surface patterns. A lot depends on the weather so this time of year the hatch can start in late morning or even early afternoon if it starts at all.  Also remember when the duns come to the surface it takes them a little time to dry their wings and to take flight so that means each fly is on the water for a much longer period of time giving more fish an opportunity to partake in their favorite snack. Two important points you must know: are they eating May flys or caddis flys. May fly duns have the upright wings and caddis have the pup tent type wing. Yes the fish know the difference. Like going to McDonalds for your BigMac and you get some KFC chicken. Good luck and be prepared for a great fishing season!  Hope everyone has a very successful 2016 fishing season.  Tony